How Our Anti-Spam System Works
Simply put, our anti-spam system implements a trusted network via whitelists, and applies Bayesian content filtering to anything that doesn't come from a trusted sender.
In a nutshell, the system 'reads' an email message and, based on what it knows about the content of email messages, decides whether its junk or not. Such systems are adaptable and get smarter over time.
But they're not perfect, and they start out relatively dumb. For starters, you have to build up your trusted network. The good news is this comes naturally for the most part: anyone you send an email message to is whitelisted. Pretty simple, no?
I got some spam. Your system didn't stop it. Chances are this won't happen often, but statistically it has to happen sometime. When it does, just forward the email to (where is your own domain hosted with us) and it will automatically put into the bad spam seeder.
Someone is trying to email me and the system is rejecting them. Now what? Assuming you want to receive the mail in the first place, you have two choices:
- Just send a message to the address they are sending from. They will be immediately whitelisted and the problem will go away.
- Whitelist entries will stay whitelisted for up to 120 days with no messages to the whitelisted address from you.
- If you email someone more frequently than that then the whitelist status will never wear off, ever.
- You must be sending mail through your domain email account on your local desktop (i.e. in Outlook, Outlook Express or Netscape Messenger, and not using your dialup provider's mail server, and not using web mail).
- If you use your dialup provider's mail server to send mail, or cannot send mail from your desktop for any reason, use our handy secure whitelist form to quickly do the same job.
Can you set up a test mode so my mail will be unmolested while I build my whitelist? Absolutely. Just drop us a line and we will give you the details you need. Be warned: If you're used to our spam control, brace yourself for the avalanche of crud that will hit your inbox when we take the controls off. You won't want to wait for long to put them back on again.