How To Create Message Rules
Complete the steps below and any "You Have Spam" mail that is received will be neatly moved to its own folder, where it is segregated from your regular mail and out of sight until you decide to check it/clean out the folder.
- Open up Outlook Express
- In the Folder Pane at left, right-click on the Local Folders icon. Choose 'New Folder'. Name the folder 'Spam' (or something similar to suit your preference).
- Double-click (i.e. open) the message you want to make a rule for.
- The message opens in a new window, with a menu in this window. Choose "Message/Create a Rule From Message..."
- The rule message dialog opens. There are three numbered boxes in this dialog.
- In Box 1 at top, Click the first choice at the top of the list: "Where the From Line Contains People".
- In Box 2 in the middle, Click the first choice at the top of the list: "Move it to the Specified Folder".
- In Box 3 at the bottom, click the 'specified' link and choose the spam folder you just created.
- Click OK.
- Open up Outlook
- In the Folder Pane at left, right-click on the Personal Folders icon. Choose 'New Folder'. Name the folder 'Spam' (or something similar to suit your preference).
- Double-click (i.e. open) the message you want to make a rule for.
- The message opens in a new window, with a menu in this window. Choose "Actions/Create Rule ..."
- The rule wizard opens.
- Check the first box on the list and click 'Next.
- Check the first box on the list (move it to a folder).
- At the bottom of the screen, click on the folder name link, choose the spam folder you just created. Click Next when done.
- Click Next and Finish.
- Open up Netscape Messenger
- In the Folder Pane at left, right-click on the Local Folders icon. Choose 'New Folder'. Name the folder 'Spam' (or something similar to suit your preference).
- Go to your Inbox and double-click (i.e. open) the message you want to make a rule for.
- The message opens in a new window, with a menu in this window. Choose "Message/Create Filter From Message..."
- The Filter Rules dialog opens. Click the 'Match All Of The Following button at screen top.
- At screen bottom, select the second drop-down from the bottom left and choose the spam folder you just created.
- Click OK. Close the Message Filters window by clicking the 'X' in the upper right corner.