AccessMonger Pro is full-featured access control system that goes WAY beyond AccessMonger Lite. AMPro can either be simply configured and quickly dropped in, or woven deeply into your code, line by line.
Easy, instant self-installer for MS Access, MS SQL Server and mySQL (Oracle available on request).
Groups (unlimited), Permissions and Anti-Permissions (unlimited) and simple Tiers (no limit again). Use any mix of types at your option.
Add usersautomatically with your desired profiles, either as a part of your existing registration process or via mass-import from your existing user database.
Self-service hint/answer authentication for password reset (passwords are NOT sent via email), with automated setup of the hint/answer.
Lockouts for too many login attempts. Lockouts self-expire.
Create default user profiles that contain any mix of groups and permissions. Assign a profile to a user and customize the user's profile individually.
Protect an entire template with a simple include, or work group/tier/permission control in line by line for granular control of anything and everything.
Multiple logins from the same user are disallowed by default. Allow them with a simple setting in the user's profile record.
Who's On application lets you see who is logged in, who is just visiting, what page they are on and more, including forced logoffs.
Strong passwords enforced automatically (i.e. mixed-case with numerals; with min length). Also includes an online-editable restriction list of excluded passphrases.
Default 90-day password expiration can be reset to any period, or to never expire.
Comprehensive audit log tracks who tried to do what.
Protects against brute force attacks: Sensitive information is salted, hashed, thrashed and smashed to protect your data (the story of what it *really* does is available to registered users).
Protection from Cross-Site-Scripting, SQL Injection, off-site form submits.
Closing browser kills session, or set AMPro to keep ColdFusion's default behavior.