/* max file upload size. set to 10mb to keep out of people's way unless they want to use it. */ variables.maxUploadLength="10248000"; /* Acceptable file and directory names. Default is to allow alphanumeric upper- and lowercase, with numbers. May include a ".", "-", "!" or "_" */ variables.AcceptFileNameRegex="^[a-zA-Z0-9_-!\.]+$"; /* do a bit of input validation to ensure the type is one of the acceptable ones */ if (not reFindNoCase("^[File|Image|Flash|Media]$",url.Type)) { url.type="File"; } /* the below paths need to be pointing at a folder containing the following directories: File\ Image\ Flash\ Media\. Path is real path and URL is relative to site */ variables.fckUserFolderPath="c:/cfusionmx/wwwroot/FCKuserFiles/"; variables.fckUserFolderURL="/FCKuserFiles/"; /* fckUserURL is for thumbnail, and since we're replacing any double slashes in the above 2 vars (not needed?) we add this seperate. see thumbnail code. */ variables.fckUserURL="http://localhost:8500/"; variables.allowedMIMEs="image/gif,image/jpg,image/jpeg,image/pjpeg,image/tiff,image/x-png,image/x-MS-bmp,text/plain,application/vnd.ms-excel,application/msexcel,application/msword,application/x-zip-compressed,application/pdf,video/x-ms-wmv"; /* build the xml string to return to the editor */ daFile="" & chr(10); daFile=dafile & "" & chr(10); daFile=dafile & "" & chr(10); daFile=dafile & ""; /* build the list of folders */ loopStep=0; if (getFoldersAndFiles.RecordCount){ do { if (not CompareNoCase(getFoldersAndFiles.Type[LoopStep],"Dir")) { daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); } LoopStep=LoopStep+1; } while (LoopStep lte getFoldersAndFiles.RecordCount); } daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); /* if folders *and* files were requested get those too. */ if (not CompareNoCase(LCase(url.command),"getfoldersandfiles")) { daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); /* build the list of files. */ loopStep=0; if (getFoldersAndFiles.RecordCount){ do { if (not CompareNoCase(getFoldersAndFiles.Type[LoopStep],"File")) { daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); } LoopStep=LoopStep+1; } while (LoopStep lte getFoldersAndFiles.RecordCount); } daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); } daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); #daFile# loopStep=0; if (getFoldersAndFiles.RecordCount){ do { if (not CompareNoCase(getFoldersAndFiles.Type[LoopStep],"Dir")) { if ( not CompareNoCase(getFoldersAndFiles.Name[LoopStep],url.newFolderName)) { daError="101"; } } LoopStep=LoopStep+1; } while (LoopStep lte getFoldersAndFiles.RecordCount); } daFile="" & chr(10); daFile=dafile & "" & chr(10); daFile=dafile & "" & chr(10); daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); #daFile# daFile="" & chr(10); daFile=dafile & "" & chr(10); daFile=dafile & "" & chr(10); daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); #daFile# daFile="" & chr(10); daFile=dafile & "" & chr(10); daFile=dafile & "" & chr(10); daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); #daFile# daFile="" & chr(10); daFile=dafile & "" & chr(10); daFile=dafile & "" & chr(10); daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); #daFile# daFile="" & chr(10); daFile=dafile & "" & chr(10); daFile=dafile & "" & chr(10); daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); daFile=daFile & "" & chr(10); #daFile# #daFile# #daFile#