- Use this tool to simulate record lock and unlock requests by various users. The system assumes that both Record and User ID's are numeric, although this can easily be changed in the tag call (the LockMonger tags do not need alteration).
- Only one lock per user is allowed. If a user with a lock on one page attempts to place a lock on another, then the first lock will be released and the newly requested lock will be created.
- if you try to unlock a record that is not currently locked, no error is thrown and execution continues.
- The ''Locked Items Dump'' below is the application-scope array holding the list of locked pages. Just for laughs the form and variables scopes are also dumped out.
- See the management screen.
- Be sure to check out Application.cfm for necessary initialization settings.
- A lock 'expires' when a specified user attempts to make a lock on a page and the still-extant pre-existing lock is found to have expired. At this point the expired lock is actually updated with the new owner and expiry. This is not the same as removal/replacement but gives the same result.
- Array Element 1 = Record ID
Array Element 2 = User ID
Array Element 3 = Last Hit Time
- Session length is set to two minutes to make for easy testing of expirations.