The Robertson Team


  Programmers' Tools >  The Free Stuff >  GridMonger >  FAQ >  I can't get date fields to work in MS Access. Whats up with that?

I can't get date fields to work in MS Access. Whats up with that?

We only use Access to build demos, personally, and join much of the rest of the professional web community in recommending that you do not use Microsoft Access.  We have been unable to get Access to use our sample data in conjunction with either the CF_SQL_DATE or the CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP datatypes. 

NOTE: Beginning with v3.30 you can bypass cfqueryparam and let GridMonger do raw sql input into your database. This is basically a rotten idea that should only be used as an absolute last resort. Changing databases, while certainly more difficult, is a far better way to go.

For versions prior to 3.30 the only choice available was to convert Access date fields to text types.  While this solution is also imperfect, it is MUCH safer than discarding the security provided by cfqueryparam.  If you know the answer to this problem, share it with us and we'll include it in the next GridMonger release.

The Robertson Team,
1.559.360.1717 is a leader in ColdFusion web hosting and managed dedicated servers.