001 <cfapplication
002 name="whoison1543"
003 sessionmanagement="no"
004 clientmanagement="Yes"
005 applicationtimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(0,2,0,0)#">
006 <!---
007 Initialize a couple of variables
008 --->
009 <cfparam name="variables.itemReMade" default="N" type="string">
010 <cfparam name="variables.ArrayElements" default="0" type="numeric">
011 <cfparam name="variables.SessionLasts" default="20" type="numeric">
013 <!---
014 Determine whether the who's on array is defined, and define it if it is not
015 --->
016 <cflock scope="APPLICATION" type="EXCLUSIVE" timeout="10">
017 <cfif not isdefined ("application.WhoIsOnArray")>
018 <cfset application.WhoIsOnArray=ArrayNew(2)>
019 </cfif>
020 </cflock>
021 <!---
022 Build the complete url of the current page
023 --->
024 <cfif Len(Trim(cgi.query_string)) gt 0>
025 <cfset variables.QueryDelim="&">
026 <cfelse>
027 <cfset variables.QueryDelim="">
028 </cfif>
029 <cfif not CompareNoCase(cgi.https,"ON")>
030 <cfset variables.HTTPData="https://">
031 <cfelse>
032 <cfset variables.HTTPData="http://">
033 </cfif>
034 <cfif not Compare(cgi.server_port,"80")>
035 <cfset variables.ServerPort="">
036 <cfelse>
037 <cfset variables.ServerPort=":"&cgi.server_port>
038 </cfif>
039 <cfset variables.CurrPage=variables.HTTPData & cgi.server_name & variables.ServerPort & cgi.script_name & variables.QueryDelim & cgi.query_string>
040 <!---
041 Set the visitor's ID from the key pair
042 --->
043 <cfset variables.ThisVisitor=client.CFID&":"&client.CFTOKEN>
044 <!---
045 loop over the list of logged-in visitors. Use a conditional loop
046 since the array element count can change during the loop itself
047 --->
048 <!---
049 Lock everything with an exclusive to maintain integrity.
050 --->
051 <cflock scope="APPLICATION" type="EXCLUSIVE" timeout="10">
052 <!---
053 does the array have any elements?
054 --->
055 <cfif not ArrayIsEmpty(application.WhoIsOnArray)>
056 <!---
057 Deal with the users whose sessions have expired
058 --->
059 <cfset variables.ArrayElements=ArrayLen(application.WhoIsOnArray)>
060 <!---
061 default the current loop iteration
062 --->
063 <cfset variables.CurrRow=0>
064 <cfloop
065 condition="#variables.ArrayElements# GT #variables.CurrRow#">
066 <!---
067 increment the row count
068 --->
069 <cfset variables.CurrRow=variables.CurrRow+1>
070 <!---
071 Has the visit expired?
072 --->
073 <cfif not ArrayIsEmpty(application.WhoIsOnArray[variables.CurrRow])>
074 <cfset variables.ExpireChk=DateCompare(DateAdd('n',(variables.SessionLasts*-1),now()),application.WhoIsOnArray[variables.CurrRow][3])>
075 <cfelse>
076 <cfset variables.ExpireChk=1>
077 </cfif>
078 <cfif Compare(variables.ExpireChk,"-1")>
079 <!---
080 It has expired. Delete the visit element and bail out of the loop
081 --->
082 <cfset arrayDeleteAt(application.WhoIsOnArray,variables.CurrRow)>
083 <cfset variables.ArrayElements=variables.ArrayElements-1>
084 <cfelse>
085 <!---
086 Does this element belong to the current visitor?
087 --->
088 <cfif not Compare(application.WhoIsOnArray[variables.CurrRow][1],variables.ThisVisitor)>
089 <!---
090 Yes. Update the existing element and set the update flag
091 --->
092 <cfset application.WhoIsOnArray[variables.CurrRow][2]=variables.CurrPage>
093 <cfset application.WhoIsOnArray[variables.CurrRow][3]=now()>
094 <cfset application.WhoIsOnArray[variables.CurrRow][4]=cgi.http_user_agent>
095 <cfset variables.ItemReMade="Y">
096 </cfif>
097 </cfif>
098 </cfloop>
099 </cfif>
100 <!---
101 The loops over the existing visit elements are done.
102 Did we find an existing visit record and update it?
103 --->
104 <cfif not CompareNoCase(variables.ItemReMade,"N")>
105 <!---
106 No. Must be a new visit.
107 --->
108 <cfset variables.Start=variables.ArrayElements+1>
109 <cfset application.WhoIsOnArray[variables.Start]=arrayNew(1)>
110 <cfset ArrayAppend(application.WhoIsOnArray[variables.Start],variables.ThisVisitor)>
111 <cfset ArrayAppend(application.WhoIsOnArray[variables.Start],variables.CurrPage)>
112 <cfset ArrayAppend(application.WhoIsOnArray[variables.Start],Now())>
113 <cfset ArrayAppend(application.WhoIsOnArray[variables.Start],cgi.http_user_agent)>
114 </cfif>
115 </cflock>
116 <cfdump var="#application#" label="Application variables">